I can hardly believe Aiden is two months old already. The time seems to be flying by. After the first few weeks, we started to get more sleep. Aiden quickly worked out a night schedule where he woke up only twice to feed and have his diaper changed. He would fall asleep for the night as soon as it got dark (between 8-9pm) and would wake between 12-1am and again 4-5am. His only issue was going back to sleep after a feed. He would often be awake for over an hour and a half. During the day was a completely different story. He would only cat nap for about 20-30 minutes at a time, and only while he was being held. The very second I put him down in his cradle he would wake up and start to cry. So it was back in my arms again. Aiden would also like to feed for about an hour at a time, any less than that and he would start rooting again in about half an hour. In the first month we had three growth spurts where Aiden would eat almost all day long, but continue with his night schedule as normal.
Then almost two weeks ago it changed. Aiden started sleeping for 8-9 hours at night, still falling asleep for the night just after sunset. Finally both Rob and I were getting a full night of sleep every night. The last few nights it has been 10 hours of sleep. So last week I decided it was time to start working on a day time schedule. Holding Aiden all day just is not practical. I still have a home to take care of, and meals to prepare, not to mention basic necessities like showering, eating and drinking. My darling son has a radar for when I try to eat. It seems the second I put food towards my mouth Aiden will start to cry with some urgent need, usually a dirty or wet diaper. So back to the schedule, my goal is to get two daytime naps of between 1-2 hours at a time for a total of at least 3 hours of day time sleep. I have so far got one nap set into Aiden's day, but then he is still cat napping later in the day. So this week we are going to work on that second, afternoon, nap.
Hopefully once we get Aiden's day time schedule worked out I should be able to get back to blogging more regularly, maybe even about more than just motherhood, which is about the whole of my existence right now.